Category: tamil computing

  • English Tamil Translation Software

    Is there a (free) English – Tamil translation software for download / online? The answer is YES. Visit Google Translate for translating Tamil to and from many languages. This is an alpha version so you may not get the best result always. There are some long running machine based translation research projects at Universities. But…

  • Tamil computing forums

    Tamil computing forums: 1. Free Tamil computing group – Free Tamil computing group is a good place to discuss, announce various topics related to Tamil computing. The group is quite active and has lot of friendly people. 2. INFITT – INFITT is a well known Think-Tankย  for Tamil computing. The group has lot of veterans…

  • Tamil Text to Speech software tools

    List of Tamil Text to Speech synthesizer tools. All these software can be downloaded or used for free: 1. Tamil Text to Speech tool from MILE lab, IISc – This converter is a recent invention by Dr. A. G. Ramakrishnan and his group. Kudos for them. The converter is in beta stage and exceeded my…

  • Tamil Fonts Download

    A list of Free Tamil fontsdownload websites. These will help you to read and write Tamil in various encodings like Unicode, Bamini etc., in Microsoft Windows, Linux, MS Word and Adobe products : 1. Technology development for Indian Languages (TDIL) is a Government of India initiative under Indian Language Data center (ILDC). ILDC provides Open…

  • Tamil font converters

    List of Tamil font converters : 1. NHM Converterย is available as both online and offline versions. Converts Unicode, Bamini, Vanavil, ShreeLipi, TSCII, DiaCritic, TAB, TAM, SoftView fonts to one another. The software is very robust and even large data conversion can be done seamlessly. 2. Suratha PonguTamil is one of ย the earliest free online tamil…

  • Tamil software websites

    Popular Tamil software websites: Offline / Desktop Tamil software products 1. Thamizha Provides E-kalappai, a popular tamil typing software. Initiates and organizes localization of free software like Firefox, OpenOffice, TuxPaint in Tamil. 2. NHM software Makers of NHM Writer, NHM converter and NHM Lister. They help in Tamil typing, font conversion, word counting. 3. Sarma…

  • NHM Converter – Tamil font encoding converter

    NHM converter is a free-of-cost Tamil font encoding converter tool from the makers of NHM writer.

  • Tamil computing needs.

    A free and robust optical character recognition software. The one we have now, Ponvizhi, is inadequate. A text-to-voice converter for Tamil to help blind and dumb people. A voice-to-text converter for Tamil to help deaf people. A spell checker module – both online and off line. A Multilingual-Tamil- Multilingual dictionary module – both online and…

  • Tamil in computers – Facts

    You can type, read Tamil in any computer with any operating system like Windows, Mac, Linux. You don’t need to buy any software or new keyboard to type in Tamil. You get free softwares to do it and you can use the same qwerty / asdf English keyboard that you have to type in Tamil.…